How it works
Digital Monitor
Dual FHR monitoring (Twin monitoring)
Industry leading transducer technology
- Highly sensitive 1 MHz, multi crystal, Pulsed Wave Doppler
- Waterproof for long life reliability -
AFM "Automatic Fetal Movement" tracing
MFM "Manual Fetal Movement" tracing
- Flat surface design for patient comfort
- Waterproof for long lasting reliability -
Signals Overlap Verification
Remote event mark trigger
24 hours waveforms playback
VM Insight software
- Real time remote CTG viewing to your Laptop/PC/Pentab
- Comments and annotations to CTG, real time
- Digital signature
- CTG report export to EMR -
Long life Lithium battery
Wireless laptop
Slim line rolling platform for monitor and laptop
150/152mm wide paper printing
Supports standard paper
1,2,3cm/min real-time printing speeds
Quick printing for stored waveform
10.2 - inch high resolution color folding up LCD screen
Probe rack and wall mounting rack
Handle for easy carrying
Two year warranty on all parts. Monitor, Monitor accessories and stand.
- Wireless network connectivity
- Fetal Doppler (Hand held)
WIN OS 7 / 10
HL7 messaging or API integration to your EMR
The VM F6 is a premium based NST system that is multifunctional, portable, easy to use and affordable. You will find that the VM F6 is loaded with more features than any system in the industry, with the highest quality components and offers the most advanced integrated monitoring designed for L&D or the busy private OB office.
VM F6 Digital NST Premium configuration includes:
. Digital NST Monitor
. Twin Transducers w/belts
. Flat Surface TOCO w/belt
. Remote Event Trigger
. VME Network database app
It is as easy as 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . Report
1. Open the VME app from your desktop.
. Create a new study from the Navigator
Enter the Patient name and ID along with anyother applicable data.
2. . Position the transducer/s and TOCO on your patient
Provide your patient the Remote Event Trigger
Click the 'Start' button
Study can be monitored from any PC/Laptop/Tablet in the practice.
Comments can be added on the trace or to the 'Comments' section.
3. . Complete the study
Click the 'Stop' button
Add any additional comments, diagnosis or a digital signature.
Click the 'Save' button
4. . Generate the Report
Click the 'Print' button, then click 'Export'
The study will be generated as a full length pdf file.
Digitally import your NST
full length strip to your EMR
in support of Meaningful Use
Monitor your study in real time.
Review study activity and add
comments to NST in real time.
. Remote Monitoring app
. Long Life Lithium battery for portability and backup
. Two year warranty
. Slim Line Podium Cart
. WIN OS Wireless laptop
Digital NST Studies . . . Finally.
The REAL paperless, productive and affordable NST solution
for your EMR.
The VM F6 Digital NST performs the primary task of eliminating paper in support of the practice objective to become a "digital" office.
The VM F6 is focused beyond simply eliminating the process of handling paper and the costs associated with a paper based process. The VM F6 is designed to increase the productivity of your staff and office real estate.
The VM F6 Digital NST with VME network monitoring application is a comprehensive solution for the busy OB care environment. It is patient care and nurse/provider oriented with real time remote monitoring across the entire practice network with
EMR export communication and data storage.
The system displays patient information transmitted from your fetal monitor or multi-monitor configuration and generates alerts for critical events. Easy access to well organized information improves efficiency, allowing you to focus more attention on patients and achieve the best quality care.
Getting your NST studies to your to your electronic patient record enhances the utilization of your EMR, it also improves staff productivity and support the Meaningful Use part 2 'Image Results' requirements.
NST to your EMR
See more patients by increasing the productivity of your staff . The VM F6 Digital NST lets care for other patients while you monitor your NST patient in real time from any PC, laptop/tablet or smart phone in your practice.
Eliminate the NST paper and paper process . No scanning or filing . No wasted staff time. Link your studies to your patient electronic record 'Enhance the value of your EMR'
(800) 324-4464
11110 Westlake Dr.
Charlotte, NC. 28273